The 3 things you need before you can get your lingerie or Swimwear collection manufactured
Don’t expect to just be able to walk up to any factory and get your brand under way. Nope, factories will not take you seriously if you do not have the right things in place before-hand, as they are very busy and want the best clients too! You need to prove to them that you are serious on creating a brand and not just creating one sample and then ghosting them.
Here are my 3 things that you need in order for factories to take you seriously and get your collection manufactured…
1. Technical Specification pack
A Technical Specification pack is an industry document that tells the manufacture exactly how to replicate the blue print of your garment. Its like the recipe for your favourite meal. Without the recipe you can’t be exactly sure that your meal will come out exactly the same, or even nearly the same, every time. We don’t want factories to guess (as this can be costly when it doesn’t match how you want it), so we don’t let this happen by presenting them with a detailed tech pack, so you and them can be sure on exactly what needs to be made.
2. Prototype
A prototype is an example of your garment or garments. It won’t necessarily have the factory finished techniques (as factories have specific machines for each stitching application) but it will be as much like a factory made garment as possible. However it will be fit tested and the style will represent the finished style from the design. By providing a prototype to your factory it not only shows that you are serious on creating a brand but it will provide them a physical prototype to look at, so again you can be sure the factory will make your garments exactly how you want them to be.
3. Great communication
Show that you are serious about creating a brand and going all the way with great communication. The better the communication you have with your factory the easier and quicker you’ll be able to release your brand. You don’t want your garments going to the bottom of the factory pile because you haven’t replied about a query. If you have great communication with your factory, the smoother and easier everything will be.
If you need any help on getting your product blueprint ready for manufacture, then book a free consultation call with me to get started!